"We fit together just like missing puzzle Pieces" -Joe Leo to me.
Okay, today, I was walking around, as usual, just chilling, enjoying the spiritual meanings of life, cause guess what? Life is a spiritual journey, each day, it's different, there are a lot of spiritual clues around, serendipity, everything happening for a reason. It's like some sort of quest each day to find more of yourself.
and guess what I heard a girl talking about? She looked like a teenager, a stupid teenager, to be honest. Why? Cause she was talking about finding her prince charming, that is a pile of bullshit, I overheard her convo and jumped in, I asked her why she was looking for her "Prince Charming" She goes, "Because everyone seems to be finding theirs" Wow, you're kidding me, she needs to be knocked in the head and be sent to woman school, first off, you're not ready to even find your soulmate
Because guess what Soulmates are?
They're people who fit together with you, just like a missing puzzle piece. It pisses me off to no end when I hear people just marrying for money, for fame, for fortune.
Let me ask you this question...for all those people who say they're in love, for those who say they have found "the one"
If your prince charming had a lot of issues, would you still love them? Would YOU? If your prince charming got into jail because of an accident that could've been avoided, would you still love them? Would YOU?
Let me tell you my story.
Joe Leo, he has issues, lots of them, issues just like mine, he's what I call my prince charming, but not in the context of prince charming. He's a man, a real man, but he has faults, he had a lot of wounds to clean up, you think all men are toys to be messed with, right? Wrong. Those girls who fucking use men can kiss my shiny metal ass, not all men want sex, you know?
I don't think you do know. Men want brains. They want a girl who matches their personality, their wit, their humor, just they want someone to LOVE, not just to fuck. If you want a man just to fuck, get a life and a grip on reality, life is NOT a romance novel you sick pieces of shit, you can go and drown in water, deep deep water, and I want you to drown in it because I don't want your ignorant asses living here anymore.
Okay, let's say you found your prince charming....well, lots of issues pop up, would you give him up? Would you? After all, piles of bullshit pop up....we have family issues, money issues, people issues, car issues...etc. Would you walk across hot hot lava? Would YOU ACTUALLY give your life up for the person you loved? Would YOU? Would you DO EVERYTHING? LIke Sacrifice your life FOR THEIRS? Think about it, how many people would actually when it really comes down to that?
...the answer? There goes 3/4 of the people who say they're in love. You say you're in love, okay, nice. Well, let's talk about your soulmate. Do they share your personality? Your faults? Your same issues? Your humor? Your style? Do they fit together with you just like missing puzzle pieces? Do they? Do they make you whole? Do you even understand what I'm talking about? Half of the people won't even understand what I would yaking away about, Oh I laugh at you and your stupidity. Disney? What have you done?
Life isn't a fairy tale.
But I like my castle.
oh and life is not what you think it is, but whatever. Just lay down and play dead, after all, you don't belong here.