Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Watch out world, Jen Leo is on the prowl...

I am now 20, I feel like a 20 years old now, it's kinda bittersweet being out of my teenage years now, I feel ready for life more, as a 19 years old I have accomplished a lot, I got pregnant, I got married, I found true LOVE, I experienced death, I have been homeless, I have been there, done all that. It kinda feels like I'm turning 50 because of all that I've been through, I have dealt with suicide, I have dealt with all kinds of shit thrown at me. Well, a new chapter of my life is starting, gone are the days that I'm still just a mere little teenager trying to convince the world that I *AM* somebody. Joe always wanted to show the world love and many different kinds of things,well, I'm going to be the one who will lead the way, I have a dream, my dream is to create a Graphic Design company, a computer company, JoeJen wanted that, JoeJen wanted their voices to be heard, to have people believe in them, to have people assume they'll amount to something good.

Enough talk, now there will be ACTION.

Let me tell you what I'm doing at the moment.

I'm now going back to school and getting my bachelor degree and many other certifications, in fact, I'm also in an internship for this computer company that teaches me Graphic Design, computer, CCS, etc... my goal will be seen. Everyone starts out with a dream, with a goal, with nothing but a dream, an inspriation, Joe Leo is my inspiration, when times get tough, I know I must go on, I must do it, I must see that his dream is made, I mainly want to create this company why? To let my creativity shine. I love writing, I love graphics, I love pictures, I love everything to do with art, with drawing, painting, writing poetry, short stories, that's my passion, I want to channel my passion and make something out of it.

I don't believe it's out of reach, no dreams ARE, if you have a dream, than go out there and ACCOMPLISH it, who gives a fuck what others think, you are YOU, they are THEY. I know the road ahead is NOT easy, in fact, the road before this for me was NEVER easy, I grew up in a horrid household, I never really had a childhood, my parents, god....they were kinda like Joe's, after all, him and I are soulmates, we lived PARALLEL lives of each other in a way, except he had to deal with this 12 years longer than I did. At 19, he had a dream, he wanted to amount to something, he never knew how, his parents were always holding him back, kinda just like mine, but he wanted to break free, just like I did now, I'm kinda like the younger version of him who did break away at 19 and now I have nothing holding me BACK.

I will accomplish this dream, finish what we both started out to do...JOSEPH CARMINE LEO JR, I WILL MAKE IT SO, the rest of my life is dedicated to YOU because you're what I'm fighting for, you're what I would die for, you're what I would suffer everything for, for our baby Joseph Carmine Leo III. This lion will MAKE IT SO because dammit, resistance is FUTILE.

Look at Disney, look at all these visionaries, what did they start out with? Nothing but a dream, everyone told them it's impossible to achieve it, but guess what? Nothing is IMPOSSIBLE. The mind is a powerful tool, use it, do something with it.

Personally, I don't care about how much money I make, I care about what I'm doing for this world, my company? It'll give back to this world, it's going to give to needy children who also have a dream, it'll give to people who want to do something, I'm going to start a foundation, a base and help others see to their vision be fulfilled. We all have a vision, we all have hope, we all want to do something, some of us can't, some of us are held back, well...I'll do something about it, I'm going to step out and look beyond what I see, I'm not giving a fuck what others think anymore, I'm Jennifer Leo, I'm a Leo, a double LION, I have COURAGE with me, I have a heart and I have a brain...I'm traveling down MunchkinLand and reaching the top, no matter what. What's the use to sit around and wish? Well, I'm going to make a name out of myself, watch out, World, Jen Leo is on the prowl and when you see my name, you'll know that I did it and trust me, oh trust me...I WILL. MARK MY WORDS. I WILL.


I just can't wait to be KING.


It's the Circle of LIFE.

So, anyways, I'm proud to have a direction in life, a goal to shoot for, a vision.

I can't wait to be KING or QUEEN.



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